Saturday, March 19, 2005

Lower Sultan

Steve in the midst of Last Nasty.

Saturday found us back on the familiar Sultan. I always say I'll never go back, and sure enough, I wind up back on this run. We had abominably low flows, but at least it was water. On the upside, it rained all day.

The run was uneventful -- a few portages at Last Nasty, a token amount of carnage, but all in all a clean fun lap on this short creek.

Photos are posted in the gallery (great pics of Nick hiking down to his lost AIRE Farce...).

Video: Last Nasty

Steve drops into Last Nasty.

David Chatham, Dave, and Mike Novak midway through Last Nasty.

Nick, somewhere on the Sultan.

Video: Headwall drop

Critical mass for carnage? Mike Novak cuts into an eddy while Steve, Nick, and Shaun line up for a drop.

Shaun finishes a drop while Nick enjoys the first rains of March.

David works on his rock moves.

Steve gets wet.

Nick cleans a drop.